Wednesday, April 16, 2008

MOSS 2007 User Administration

Well, This was worth writing about. Having worked on 2003 before, the user administration for MOSS 2007 seems confusing to me. I spent the last 60 minutes trying to figure out, how can I see a group's permission and how to edit that. And also I remembered that I can see detailed permission list for a particular permission from 2003(For eg. Full Control). And found that out too. Not at all intuitive.

First of all in MOSS 2007, all users are added at Site Collection level and then reused for all the other sites. So Do not try to find out how to do all this at a subsite level. A good place to begin is

Now - To view what permissions a group has and how to edit those permissions.
1. Browse to your Site Collection
2. Click on Site Settings > People and Groups
3. Click on Groups on the Left side navigation.
4. Click on the Edit icon that appears between the group name and description.

You will now see the permissions as well as you can edit them here.

Second - You want to see a detailed permission map as well as maybe create a custom permission
1. Browse to your Site Collection
2. Click on Site Settings > People and Groups
3. Click on Site Permissions in the left side navigation.
4. Click on Settings>Permission Levels

From here you can see the existing site permission details as well as create a new site permission level.

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